Saturday, October 11, 2014

We have hope...

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Saturday, October 11, 2014
Life definitely has its ups and downs. It's like a never ending play in which we are all actors and actresses - vying for the leading parts. It doesn't matter what we look like or what our preferences are, we are placed on this journey simultaneously. For many, situations, trials, challenges, persecutions and circumstances bring hopelessness. For these, it's as though a big, black hole had opened up in the middle of the planet and caused them to fall in. They shout from the depths of their hearts crying out for help, but they see no one coming. The hundreds of friends on their social networks, their 'hanging' buddies, their relatives - no one seems to be there when they need them the most. They feel so low, so down, so alone, that death appears to be the most pleasant escape. But, not for us. As Christians, we know who our Father is. We know that life is not always going to be a bed of roses. We know that trials will come. We know that we can be broken down, tormented, persecuted, insulted, rejected, abused, let down, ridiculed and the list of negatives goes on and on. But we also know that we have hope. We know that in every situation our Father in Heaven hears or cries, sees our pain and attends unto our needs. We know that without a doubt we will be delivered, we will have the victory, and we will succeed! We know that we are never alone and nothing that shall rise against us will prosper, because God remains forever with us.
Still, with all this practical knowledge, we sometimes feel defeated. In the midst of life's many challenges, we sometimes faint in our faith, becoming weary in the circumstances. We sometimes allow the situations to control our thoughts and actions. We can even entertain defeat as a friend. But, my brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called for a purpose. No matter the situation that is in operation now, all things work for good to those who love God. God's plan is still on. We are still included in His plan. We may not be able to see what the end of it looks like, or understand how something so wrong could turn around to be so precise...Relinquish control over to Him. Give God the entire thing and let Him work it out on your behalf. After all, He is the one fighting our battles for us - we have only to 'dance on the battlefield'. He loves us and His thoughts towards us remain good all the time. In this season, He didn't change His mind about your victory - He is taking you there through the current test! Embrace it, be strengthened in it, and most of all, thank God for it!
Love you all in Jesus' Name!


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