David was already a believer. This means he was like many of us. He gave himself over to the Lord, and was living a life well pleasing to Him, most of the time. However, the devil uses deceitful, subtle tactics to entice us - yes even the believers, as he is no respecter of persons - to sin. We can easily get caught up and thus become entangled with the lusts of the flesh. But God. Firstly, let us be real. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit would allow us to be convicted when we sin. Knowing how pleasurable the act may be, sometimes we choose to ignore the voice of God, and sometimes we look for people (the ungodly) around us to support us in our rejection against the Almighty. David would have been hearing the voice of God. But, as one sin led to another, he kept on with the hope of hiding his wrong doing from people, forgetting momentarily that God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. How many times as believers have we found ourselves in a similar position? Nonetheless, the scriptures tell us, that because of God's amazing love for David, (and us), He provided another way for him to confess and repent of his sin, by sending the prophet Nathan to deliver a word of correction to him. Friends, sometimes when we ignore God's intimate correction, He sends someone to help us. These may be the leadership of the church or brothers and sisters who are flowing with the anointing of Christ. Let us then be submissive like David, and humble ourselves before God as we seek continual redemption for our sins.
God knows we are nothing. He knows that we were formed from the dust since He Himself made us. He knows that because of the nature of our flesh, we would somehow fall into sin. But being the Great God that He is, the God who is abounding in Grace, in Mercy, and in Love, he took up a lower form with no reputation, offering His only begotten Son on the cross of Calvary as the ultimate payment for our sin. Therefore, in the event that we fall into the deceptive traps of the enemy, let us not yield to his condemnation, but instead let us remember that we are not forsaken. The Word of God tells us that if we confess with our mouths and repent with all our hearts, then He who is faithful and just will indeed purify and sanctify us from every unrighteousness. We are told that God constantly delights in mercy and loving kindness. This means then, that as long as we come back to the cross, as long as we do not allow the devil to drag us away from God, we can rest in the hope that we are continually redeemed. Church, when David was corrected, he rented his clothes and made his way into the presence of God, separating himself unto prayer and fasting. When we too, fall along the way, God would not cast us away if we can bring ourselves back to him, ready to exchange our shame and guilt again for His unending Grace and Love. Over and over again, God promises us to have compassion so that we can always find our way back to Him.
Love you all, in Jesus' name, Amen.
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