Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Once Again, Fear God

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Wednesday, March 30, 2016 0 comments
Reference Scriptures :  Psa 19:9, Exo 20:20, Heb 1:9, Deut 4:10, Psa 2:11, Psa 103:13, 17, Psa 147:11, Isa 33:6, Luke 1:50, 2 Cor 7:1, 1 John 4:18

Recently, I have been facing a situation that seemed to have been pending for what felt like a lifetime. But, as I looked toward the heavens, I noticed the rains ceased from falling, the dark clouds parted and made way for the brilliance of a new, glorious season filled with promise! However, as I stepped out into the dawn of the day, I saw where the prospect of sin appeared tempting and enticing. As I watched myself be subtly deceived by the enemy, I was fortunate enough to hear the voice of my Saviour pleading with me to come back to Him - my first love! Running towards Him with fervour and determination in my step, I found my God with arms wide open before me, waiting with a loving embrace I didn't even realize I longed for.... 
But, as I pressed into my Beloved again, He spoke softly, gently and sweetly, these precious words that serve as a lesson for us all :

'The FEAR of the Lord is CLEAN' (Psa 19:9)

My friends, in order to really come to that place where we fear God, we have to be ready and willing to give up sin. This requires that we be diligent in seeking Him, by developing a true and intimate relationship with Our God that allows us to really get to know the 'person' He is. As we go into His presence and talk to Him in prayer, we begin to know Him and thus develop that fear for Him. When we truly fear Him, when we can say we reverence Him and are in awe of Him, we will see sin in our lives, almost automatically. This fear of God is not about fearing His wrath, but it's deep rooted in love for Him that comes only through a sincere relationship with Him.
God desires us. He doesn't want us the way men want us. He has a desire to be with us ever moment of every day. He desires to walk and talk with us, to fellowship with us, to hold us, to mold us, to shape us into the victorious beings he designed us to be. He wants ALL of us - the good parts and the bad... When we begin to understand the depths of His love, we will adopt a lifestyle of worship before Him. But, in order to worship God, in order to give Him worship that pleases Him, it must flow from the inside of us... it must come from the fear we have for Him. True worship is not an outward show for people to see, it pleases God when we worship Him because we respect Him, because we know He is ALL Mighty, He is Powerful, He is Supreme. Our greatest treasure, our most prized possession is having a fear of God. This fear causes us to draw closer to Him, to receive His anointing and His blessing. 
Our God is a just God, and nothing we do goes unnoticed or unrewarded by Him... Therefore, when we fear God, WE benefit.

Benefits of having a fear for God include...
1. He loves us (Psa 103:13)
2. His lovingkindness is continually upon us (Psa 103:17)
3. He favors us (Psa 147:11)
4. His mercy is upon us and our generations ahead of us (Luke 1:50)

Love God, Fear Him, and enjoy the benefits today!!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

We will have our 3rd Day!

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Thursday, March 24, 2016 0 comments
At this time thousands of years ago, one man, blameless, spotless, without sin, gave Himself up as a sacrifice to save the ones He loved. A man, whose very nature is love, saw the filth that enveloped the people He longed to enjoy an intimate relationship with, and couldn't love them any less... This same man walked into the torment, the mocking, the rejection, the persecution, the injustice, the denial, the ridicule, the insults, the beatings, and the torture, as a lamb to the slaughter. He battled the fear of His impending demise in His human form, never allowing Himself to be distracted from the purpose for which He came. He suffered through, all the while seeing the faces of those He longed to welcome into His Mighty Kingdom.

Jesus Christ came with the sole purpose of saving the ones He loved from an eternity in Hell. He Himself created this vile place for Satan and his demons... and it was not, and is not His intention that mankind accompany the devil into this everlasting place of torment. The Bible says that God took on the form of flesh - He lowered His own reputation to come to the Earth as a man, to die an undeserving death as the payment needed to save us from our sins. 
We know the story by now. Judas sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, and thus He was taken captive, and was crucified. To die by crucifixion is no simple and easy way to go. This type of death is a method of slow and painful execution in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang for several days until eventual death from exhaustion and asphyxiation (an acute lack of oxygen). And He endured it all.
During this time and season, believers may be facing intense battles, feeling the pressures as if they are in the war zone and finding themselves constantly dodging the fiery darts as they are shot at them from all directions. Christ went through this too. But, the good news is that He rose again from the dead! He is not here, but Christ is Risen! Death, Hell and the Grave COULD NOT hold Him down. He rose triumphantly! Since we are now yielded to Christ and it is not we that liveth anymore, but Christ that lives in us, we too will go through some valley experiences at this time. Just as He rose again on the third day, so we too are going to rise up from the ashes with resurrection power on our third day! Rejoice then, and be glad. In all things give thanks. The difficulties are now part of the process. It is the road we must take to get to, and to arise with the same power that raised Christ from the dead!
Love You all in Jesus name!

Friday, March 11, 2016

We are the (Continually) Redeemed

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Friday, March 11, 2016 0 comments
The Bible talks about David, a man of humble beginnings who grew to be mighty in stature. Although he had a connection with God, we read that he fell into sin. As the story goes, he lusted after a woman he saw bathing in her balcony, committed adultery with her, and when their affair produced a baby, he went on to have her husband killed. This is quite a mouthful to summarize the actions of a man described as 'being after God's own heart'. But the more intently we look at this account, the more God begins to reveal a beautiful message.
David was already a believer. This means he was like many of us. He gave himself over to the Lord, and was living a life well pleasing to Him, most of the time. However, the devil uses deceitful, subtle tactics to entice us - yes even the believers, as he is no respecter of persons - to sin. We can easily get caught up and thus become entangled with the lusts of the flesh. But God. Firstly, let us be real. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit would allow us to be convicted when we sin. Knowing how pleasurable the act may be, sometimes we choose to ignore the voice of God, and sometimes we look for people (the ungodly) around us to support us in our rejection against the Almighty. David would have been hearing the voice of God. But, as one sin led to another, he kept on with the hope of hiding his wrong doing from people, forgetting momentarily that God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. How many times as believers have we found ourselves in a similar position? Nonetheless, the scriptures tell us, that because of God's amazing love for David, (and us), He provided another way for him to confess and repent of his sin, by sending the prophet Nathan to deliver a word of correction to him. Friends, sometimes when we ignore God's intimate correction, He sends someone to help us. These may be the leadership of the church or brothers and sisters who are flowing with the anointing of Christ. Let us then be submissive like David, and humble ourselves before God as we seek continual redemption for our sins.
God knows we are nothing. He knows that we were formed from the dust since He Himself made us. He knows that because of the nature of our flesh, we would somehow fall into sin. But being the Great God that He is, the God who is abounding in Grace, in Mercy, and in Love, he took up a lower form with no reputation, offering His only begotten Son on the cross of Calvary as the ultimate payment for our sin. Therefore, in the event that we fall into the deceptive traps of the enemy, let us not yield to his condemnation, but instead let us remember that we are not forsaken. The Word of God tells us that if we confess with our mouths and repent with all our hearts, then He who is faithful and just will indeed purify and sanctify us from every unrighteousness. We are told that God constantly delights in mercy and loving kindness. This means then, that as long as we come back to the cross, as long as we do not allow the devil to drag us away from God, we can rest in the hope that we are continually redeemed. Church, when David was corrected, he rented his clothes and made his way into the presence of God, separating himself unto prayer and fasting. When we too, fall along the way, God would not cast us away if we can bring ourselves back to him, ready to exchange our shame and guilt again for His unending Grace and Love. Over and over again, God promises us to have compassion so that we can always find our way back to Him. 
Love you all, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Women of God

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 0 comments
 ‘…but the woman is [the expression of] man’s glory’ - I Cor 11:7

A man’s honor, his glory is reflected in the woman that stands at his side. He is lifted up and praised by his friends when his wife is a woman of good character, strength and moral uprightness. He is seen as a man of renown, for the woman behind him continually uplifts and encourages him to become the man God has designed and destined him to be. As Godly wives, let us carry ourselves as women who seek God first. Let us take the time to connect with God in secret, where we can be renewed and refreshed in His presence, daily. When we can see the importance of having an intimate relationship with God first, who will clothe us in strength and dignity, then and only then can we be equipped to be the Godly women God has ordained us to be; to our husbands and our families delight.


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