Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Seek to Be Blameless

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

In today's society, deviating from the norm makes you a person who is viewed as eccentric. You are the ones that steer clear of alcohol and drugs and prefer to wait until you are married to enjoy intimacy with someone. You are the peculiar person who chooses to attend church services on a Friday night than to party until the wee hours of the morning. You wear clothes that cover yet compliment your body, and walk with the power and authority of Christ flowing in you. You are the ones that the 'normal' members of the community despise, ridicule and persecute. You are the ones who are choosing to stand up for righteousness sake - at all cost. I salute you all!
The scriptures say in Romans 12:18-19 (AMP), 'If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for God’s wrath [and His judicial righteousness]; for it is written [in Scripture], “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord'. As believers, we are told that the decision to live at peace with one another is ours to make. When we look around at the trials we face, we tend to focus on how it makes us feel - the hurt, the pain, the frustration, the regret, the rejection, the reproach, the necessity.... but, in the midst of the raging storms of life, we are told that we have to decide if to be at peace with these people, or if to react like they are doing. Being put this way, I find myself in a quandary. For me, it is easy to lay aside the Word, and give in to the emotions aroused in the present circumstance. But, God has given you and me the power to decide - not only to do good, but to receive the just reward of our choice.I have learned through life's greatest teacher - experience - that when we really make the effort to rest the situation in the hands of Jesus, believing that those who hurt me will have to answer to the Living God, He steps in as our Avenger. He's not a part time fictional superhero portrayed on the big screens. He is our personal, on-call, available, Avenger! You see, I have discovered, that when we leave it up to God, we are able to continue to stand before Him blameless. We will continue to be before Him in right standing. We will be able to hear the Words from His mouth, 'well done, my good and faithful servant'. We will be able to recognize His greatness as He moves in our situations on our behalf.Today, I encourage you to give it over to Him. I assure you He will avenge you, that your suffering will not be in vain. Choose to live at peace, while He works on your behalf, so you can continue ti live blameless in His sight.


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