So many of us want to live a life filled with prosperity and success. In order to achieve this goal, we run after job positions, at any cost, to satisfy the need within us to have more. We sacrifice our family life, our health, and our integrity to pursue after frivolous things, that are merely temporal and worthless. We see from those who have gone before us, diligently seeking after the things money can buy, that after death, the riches they have acquired over a lifetime have been laid up for others to enjoy. But, God has provided a formula for us to follow if we intend to relish the good life, where we, the redeemed, can truly experience victory in our everyday lives.
Joshua 1:8 teaches us that, ‘this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success’. Here, God obviously shows us that if we follow certain criteria, then we will have great and marvelous rewards. We see from this scripture, that if we meditate moment by moment (think intently about what God is saying) and make a diligent effort to do the things we are being taught, then and only then can we prosper and have good success.
We must be willing then to pay the price of making time to firstly read the Word of God that has been provided to us. Its not about making excuses, but to get serious about God and about our walk with Him. Secondly, we have to literally eat the Word as often as the air we breathe. The more we do this, the more we shift our focus from the problems, the challenges, the situations and the difficulties we face, to the Way Maker - Jesus Christ. The more we fill ourselves with His Word, the more we build our faith and our trust in Him, and thus the more confident we become in our God, knowing without doubt that the impossible is about to become possible in our lives! Finally, if we take what we receive from the Word, and put it into action by applying it to our daily lifestyle, then we will be rewarded handsomely.
As we fulfill these requirements, we will see prosperity and success in every area of our lives. We will have faithful, loving relationships with our spouses, children and family members. We will be happy and at peace, enjoying the rest provided in God alone. We will have strength to endure the journeys of life. We will move to new places in ministry and servanthood, and go from glory to glory as the blessing of God will overtake us! Be certain, that the luxuries of this would will certainly come, our barns will be filled, and our food baskets will never go empty. We will be protected and defended by the Most High. We will be healed, delivered and set free, as we live in the liberty of Christ Jesus!
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