Monday, February 29, 2016


Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Monday, February 29, 2016 0 comments

We live in a world where we all, the saved and unsaved alike, will face a broad range of difficult experiences. People are often left broken, torn, hopeless, rejected....We often harbour feelings of regret, resentment, unforgiveness, and worthlessness among other things.
None of us can escape the trying times. We can be certain then, that we will have to go through the persecutions, rejections, insults, conflicts, situations, necessities and circumstances. We will encounter problems with our spouses, or children, family members, colleagues, acquaintances, neighbours, and many others. We will face challenges such as health issues, financial difficulties, loss, death, bankruptcy, marital separation, divorce, addictions, unplanned pregnancy, emotional and mental issues, abuse, and situations where we feel victimized. 
But, the Word of God, the Truth of God, tells us, that for the Redeemed, for us, the saved, the chosen ones, we are to rejoice when we experience such trials.
Sometimes we have to admit, that doing what God wants - like rejoicing during the most troubling times of our lives - may not be the easiest thing to do. But, if we love Him, we have to make the effort to Do what He suggests. I remember when my husband and I were separated, I felt so heartbroken, so rejected, so forsaken, so lonely, so much like nothing... It certainly was not a time to rejoice. I found myself crying all the time when I was alone. But, honestly, I found that the sorrowful feeling departed quickly when I started to recognize that God was always there. I would wake up all hours of the night looking to see if God had abandoned me, but to my delight, He remained faithful. My crying soon turned into more of a brokenness for God and for who He was to me than what I had been going through in the present situation. Therefore, I was learning to Do what God said. I was rejoicing, no matter how little, in my difficulty, because God was with me, and He wasn't going anywhere!
There are many benefits associated with the difficulties. The experiences teach us lessons that help us to achieve victory. We learn how to depend on and trust God more, to respond and not react to situations and people that may drive us to the edge, and I think most importantly, we learn to do things God's way and not our way. The trials build our hope for our expected end. They help us to recall the faithfulness of God that we saw in past experiences when He brought us through. Therefore, we build our faith in who God is, shifting our focus away from the trials. We experience the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, while the storms of life are still raging.  We will learn that we can rest assured that God has not and will not leave us, as so we can delight even in difficulty. 
A quintessential benefit too, is that the difficulties help us to grow and mature spiritually. We will see that we move from level to level with God as we begin to develop our relationship with Him. We will truly begin to know Him as the "I AM", whatever we need Him to be in our present situation. He fills us with peace, strength, love and acceptance, whatever we need to ensure we endure to the very end where our victory awaits! We have to seek to persist to get through the tough times without growing weary and giving up, because ENDURANCE has its perfect (without fault) result. Endurance has a thorough (complete, careful not to miss or omit any detail) work to do in us so that we can appreciate the blessing and victory at the end of the trial. Endurance will ensure our development of faith where we will lack nothing, no matter how hard it seems, in the present situation.
My friends, we have to joy in the trials because if we believe in Our God, we believe in His Power and Authority that is more than enough to help us secure the victory in our circumstances. As we endure, we put our faith into action. Endurance is a work of faith in itself that once accomplished, brings us into a new place of spiritual maturity to enjoy the many rewards that await us...
'Rejoice, again I say, Rejoice!'

Friday, February 26, 2016

Corrupt Communication

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Friday, February 26, 2016 0 comments
Choosing to walk the path of righteousness was the best decision I ever made... but, it has proven to be trying at times. I have learned, though, that although the journey might be difficult, although it is lonely at times, although the sting of rejection and persecution might be too much to swallow sometimes, it is certainly a worthwhile walk, with major rewards...
One of my problems however, has always been the ability to keep my mouth closed when I feel attacked. It's a reflex reaction to defend myself by allowing the most 'colorful' words flow out of my mouth. But, when I finally made the decision to serve the Lord with all my heart, I began to see the error of my ways.

Then, I came across the above scripture among a few others in my time of study. I started to examine myself and quickly realised that I had my share of unwholesome conversations.... words that were foul, profane, worthless and even vulgar in the eyes of God. Oh how easy it is for us to fall into this temptation, because we can excuse ourselves because of the things we say, as long as it is not what we do... Many times I found myself in situations where my husband would belch out words of ridicule and hopelessness at me, and I would jump at the opportunity to tell him the most distasteful and disrespectful things my mind could think up. But, as a Child of God first, and then a Wife, I have learned that my words are supposed to build up and not break down, so those who hear can be blessed. As THE Church, we have to make a conscious effort to be the difference so we can affect lives for the Kingdom of God. We have to be prepared to DO what God says if we intend to live successful Christian lives.
Friends, as we strive to move forward with God, let us tap into the secrets and the mysteries of the Kingdom so we can live more successful lives. After all, another scripture says, 

I am choosing again today to live for Christ. Thus, I am choosing to refrain from having corrupt conversation flow out of my mouth, be it cursing, profanity, perverseness, slander, abuse, thoughtlessness, hypocrisy, abuse, deceitfulness, crookedness and the like. I am choosing today to declare blessing, to speak truth, thankfulness, wisdom, kindness, and encouragement. I am choosing today to have my words seasoned with salt, so that it can glorify God, which is in Heaven.

I pray today......

Love You All, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Seek to Be Blameless

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 0 comments

In today's society, deviating from the norm makes you a person who is viewed as eccentric. You are the ones that steer clear of alcohol and drugs and prefer to wait until you are married to enjoy intimacy with someone. You are the peculiar person who chooses to attend church services on a Friday night than to party until the wee hours of the morning. You wear clothes that cover yet compliment your body, and walk with the power and authority of Christ flowing in you. You are the ones that the 'normal' members of the community despise, ridicule and persecute. You are the ones who are choosing to stand up for righteousness sake - at all cost. I salute you all!
The scriptures say in Romans 12:18-19 (AMP), 'If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for God’s wrath [and His judicial righteousness]; for it is written [in Scripture], “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord'. As believers, we are told that the decision to live at peace with one another is ours to make. When we look around at the trials we face, we tend to focus on how it makes us feel - the hurt, the pain, the frustration, the regret, the rejection, the reproach, the necessity.... but, in the midst of the raging storms of life, we are told that we have to decide if to be at peace with these people, or if to react like they are doing. Being put this way, I find myself in a quandary. For me, it is easy to lay aside the Word, and give in to the emotions aroused in the present circumstance. But, God has given you and me the power to decide - not only to do good, but to receive the just reward of our choice.I have learned through life's greatest teacher - experience - that when we really make the effort to rest the situation in the hands of Jesus, believing that those who hurt me will have to answer to the Living God, He steps in as our Avenger. He's not a part time fictional superhero portrayed on the big screens. He is our personal, on-call, available, Avenger! You see, I have discovered, that when we leave it up to God, we are able to continue to stand before Him blameless. We will continue to be before Him in right standing. We will be able to hear the Words from His mouth, 'well done, my good and faithful servant'. We will be able to recognize His greatness as He moves in our situations on our behalf.Today, I encourage you to give it over to Him. I assure you He will avenge you, that your suffering will not be in vain. Choose to live at peace, while He works on your behalf, so you can continue ti live blameless in His sight.

Monday, February 22, 2016

God's Formula for Success

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Monday, February 22, 2016 0 comments

So many of us want to live a life filled with prosperity and success. In order to achieve this goal, we run after job positions, at any cost, to satisfy the need within us to have more. We sacrifice our family life, our health, and our integrity to pursue after frivolous things, that are merely temporal and worthless. We see from those who have gone before us, diligently seeking after the things money can buy, that after death, the riches they have acquired over a lifetime have been laid up for others to enjoy. But, God has provided a formula for us to follow if we intend to relish the good life, where we, the redeemed, can truly experience victory in our everyday lives. 

Joshua 1:8 teaches us that, ‘this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success’. Here, God obviously shows us that if we follow certain criteria, then we will have great and marvelous rewards. We see from this scripture, that if we meditate moment by moment (think intently about what God is saying) and make a diligent effort to do the things we are being taught, then and only then can we prosper and have good success. 

We must be willing then to pay the price of making time to firstly read the Word of God that has been provided to us. Its not about making excuses, but to get serious about God and about our walk with Him. Secondly, we have to literally eat the Word as often as the air we breathe. The more we do this, the more we shift our focus from the problems, the challenges, the situations and the difficulties we face, to the Way Maker - Jesus Christ. The more we fill ourselves with His Word, the more we build our faith and our trust in Him, and thus the more confident we become in our God, knowing without doubt that the impossible is about to become possible in our lives! Finally, if we take what we receive from the Word, and put it into action by applying it to our daily lifestyle, then we will be rewarded handsomely.

As we fulfill these requirements, we will see prosperity and success in every area of our lives. We will have faithful, loving relationships with our spouses, children and family members. We will be happy and at peace, enjoying the rest provided in God alone. We will have strength to endure the journeys of life. We will move to new places in ministry and servanthood, and go from glory to glory as the blessing of God will overtake us! Be certain, that the luxuries of this would will certainly come, our barns will be filled, and our food baskets will never go empty. We will be protected and defended by the Most High. We will be healed, delivered and set free, as we live in the liberty of Christ Jesus!

The door to a greater depth of success has been unlocked. Apply the formula and watch God work in your life today!

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