Monday, January 26, 2015

As Humble as a Lamb

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Monday, January 26, 2015
Peter was a follower of Christ who was privileged to walk with our King in the flesh... After His passion, Jesus remained with His disciples for 40 days, eating, drinking and sharing Kingdom things with them. When He ascended into Heaven on a cloud, the men who bore witness to this was assured that He would one day return again....and they knew there was much work to be done for His name's sake, until His return.
Our faithful God knew that His people needed Him, and thus, He did not leave us comfortless...He promised that the Holy Spirit, the third member of the God Head, would be with us to guide, counsel, convict, lead, protect, save, unify, teach and correct us, among many other things. But, most of all, I believe that one of the Holy Spirit's gifts to us is to empower us, causing us to be victors like Our Father which art in Heaven!
And so we read in the book of Acts, chapter 3, that a man who had been lame and begging for contributions by the gate called 'Beautiful' was healed by men of God who were empowered by His Holy Spirit. We know that when God performs a miracle in our lives the world looks upon us and marvels. But, how often do we get caught up in the the hype and forget that the miracle was not as a result of our own doing, but it was the work of God? I remember one time I attended a thanksgiving service at a sister's house and was fortunate to be a part of the worship team. After the service, a man came up to me and was going on and on about how great the worship was. I was so proud of myself that I forgot that it was not me at all but the Spirit in me who was using my vessel for His honor and glory! Right here in the scripture taken from Acts 3:12 (AMP), it says, 'And Peter, seeing it, answered the people, You men of Israel, why are you so surprised and wondering at this? Why do you keep staring at us, as though by our [own individual] power or [active] piety we had made this man [able] to walk?' Unlike me, Peter was quick to discern the devil's tactics in an attempt to cause him to become puffed up in himself. He quickly addressed the awestruck crowd letting them know that he was not responsible for the miracle they witnessed but the glory belonged only to God! 
The more I meditate on this portion of text, the more I begin to understand the humility that is required of us. This can only come from true love for God, and true relationship with Him. When we are able to recognize without any flicker of doubt that God is the source of all things and that all things belong to Him, we begin to fathom His value. We begin to appreciate that this God who formed the entire universe, is looking down at us, and attending to our needs. We begin to see our filth before Him because we begin to become familiar with His Holiness and purity. It is only then we can truly understand humility... knowing that all we are - we owe to God.
Let us take pattern from these men who sought after kingdom things, forsaking the flesh. Let us seek to become humble as we serve Christ. After all, the Bible says that those who humble themselves shall be exalted...(Matt. 23:12).
Love you all in Jesus' name!

1 comment:

  1. Amen....amazing and powerful testimonies Lis.

    Indeed one phrase we ought to always use is “All Glory be to God”.....because everything we have, the person whom we have become through the Holy Spirit, when we ask God to take our heart and mind and transform it to his, all that we are, is because of Jesus

    where God gives grace to be humble, he will give wisdom, faith, and holiness. To be humble, and subject to our reconciled God, will bring greater comfort to the soul than the gratification of pride and ambition.
    Let us be humbled by God during our current situation and trust on God to help us through our journeys.

    Each day we need to allow God to humble us. Then give our concerns to Him and His Will be done #TrustInJesus

    God bless u Lis....keep strong in Jesus name



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