Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Through the difficult times, trust God...

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Tuesday, November 11, 2014
It is said that just before a breakthrough comes the most difficult tests. Some may not have any experiences to confirm this statement, but I certainly do. I have been verbally and emotionally battered and abused for as long as I can remember that I saw myself becoming accustomed to the whole thing. Rejection, ridicule, hurt and pain were normal everyday feelings where happiness was only left for special occasions. But, nothing could attest to this statement like the present trial. As much as I would love to describe in detail the current situation, the words somehow can't surface just yet. All I know is that God is here. God is Almighty, All Knowing, the Beginning and the End. Yet, when we fall on our faces before Him, He is the one surrendering to hear our cries. Every whisper through the tears He holds in His gentleness. He leans into our brokenness and soothes us where no one else can. When everyone has left, when everything we held dear is taken from us, when every hope is diminished, Our Majestic God steps in and tells us that He can take our nothingness and turn it into something. I don’t know what you are going through. I don’t know if what I am learning could bring you comfort. I don’t know if words is what you need to hear or if you just want to be surrounded by God’s Holy Presence. But, I know that when God has something for us it is always good. I know that when God is about to bless us, the devil is mad. I know that the devil will try all the wicked devices in his book to try to cause us to fall away from God and thus miss out on or lose our blessing.Be encouraged. As I write these words I am encouraging myself. I know that the darkest hour is closest to dawn. Let us lift up each other in prayer through the circumstances of life and continue to stand. God will never fail us. He is going to give us the best. Seek His guidance in your situation and proceed as he leads. Do not try to please people, or even yourself. Please God now. And watch Him work miracles in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Lis,

    As upright Christians, I have learnt through my own experiences that we will face dark times in our lives, trials and tests before the breakthrough God has instore for us.

    Bishop TD Jakes recenlty said “When you feel as though you are breaking on the inside, thats when you are close to your breakthrough”

    Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood church in Texas USA also recently said, “Don’t get stuck on the negative. That hardship, that difficulty is a test. God has strategically put you there. He wouldn’t have allowed it if you couldn’t handle it.”

    So Lis, the valleys we go through in life, its part of the journey to make us into the person God wants us to be.....and we have to go through the valley knowing that God is in control ,

    for Same God that leads us to still waters, green pastures....will take us through valley.....we are not gonna stay in valley....we have to declare, “God I know you are still on the throne....there is a table already prepared on the other side”

    Jesus is our protector , our strength, our deliverer, our redeemer, our Shield and Strong Tower

    Whatever we go through whatever test, trial, pain, persecution, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we will endure all things, and through the love of Jesus, we are more than conquerors because his Love never fails

    Lets let go and Let Jesus take the wheel, for he is in control of our lives....keep strong in Jesus name Lis



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