Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Trees Worship

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Tuesday, February 04, 2014
I look out the Window as the car drives by. Everyone continues to live life in the same ordinary, routined way,  myself included.  As I lose myself in a conversation with God,  I see trees.  As I continue to examine each one as the car continues to drive by I was struck by a most awesome revelation.  Each tree branch was uplifted towards the heaven. .. It didn't matter if the tree looked vibrant and healthy or if it had been burned in a bush fire - their branches stretched forth toward the high places. They appeared to be in constant worship as if they somehow knew who created them and placed them where they dwell.  If only I could remain in worship,  always recognizing that I have to find my help above and not below. ....


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