Monday, January 22, 2018

Favor is Coming!

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Monday, January 22, 2018 3 comments
It's been quite a long time since I've shared my thoughts with you. But, today a word is bubbling up within me that I just want to burst it out to the world! For so long I've lived my life thinking that good things are only a part of my dreams and that my reality looks different. But, as of recently, I have reason to change that mindset - and His name is Jesus Christ!
The Bible says in Joshua 3:13
I believe now, that it is my time for favour. It is the time for the Presence of God within me to overtake me and go before me. I am about to stretch out into the unknown, out of my comfort zone, and I am confident that as soon as the soles of my feet shall rest in that new place, every obstacle, barrier, and hindrance will heap to the side, and the Presence of the Lord within me will go before me, and grant me favor indeed!
This is not for me only. This is for all of us. Don't be afraid to step out. Don't be afraid to go forth. Don't be afraid to DREAM. Don't be afraid of success. You are, WE are, children of God and success and prosperity are parts of our inheritance! I encourage you all today - move forward!

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