Mark 10:9 KJV
‘What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.’
God Himself joined man and wife together. He created marriage as we see in Genesis 2:21 -24. Here, God sees Adam alone, and decides it should not be so. He causes Adam to fall asleep and takes one of his ribs to make a woman. He presents the woman to him and the two are joined together as man and wife. Later, as they both sin and are sent out of the garden, we see that Adam is allowed to take his ‘blessing’ with him. Ecc 9:9 explains that ‘the wife is the husband’s portion' in this life. In other words, she is his blessing - from God Himself! WOW!
God designed marriage for us to be able to understand the love and intimacy God requires us to have with Him. It is written in Hebrews 13:4, that marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled…’ God takes pleasure in marriages and is also a victim of adultery when one spouse leaves. Again, the Word tells us in Malachi 2:14, that ‘..the Lord had been witness between the husband and the wife..’ Therefore, when we choose to leave the promise we made to God to be there for this person for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, til death do us part, we hurt God.
Church, the Amplified version of the Bible reads in Malachi 2:16, ‘…I hate divorce and marital separation…’ Many people in the world, and in the body of Christ are choosing divorce without a second thought. The lives of faithful spouses and children are being destroyed because of prodigals who desert their blessings for the lusts of the flesh. Choose life today. Choose Blessing. Choose to let God be the centre of your marriage and your family. Stand up for your hurting marriage knowing that God can heal and restore that which he originally ordained.
Today, it is my plea, that you rethink your marriage vows before choosing the pleasures of sin. Hold fast to your first love, Jesus Christ… He remains faithful, won’t you?