Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Birthday Tribute

Posted by Living Passionately, Purposely on Wednesday, July 01, 2015 0 comments

~~Tribute to a special friend on her birthday~~


“An extraordinary woman of God”



Pure at Heart.....Hardworking.....Dedicated,

Gentle....Humble in all her ways.....Graceful

are some of the many words one can use to describe our dearest Lisa


Lisa is an extraordinary and mighty woman 

in the Kingdom of Christ

and it is because she is most humble, 

surrendering her life unto the Lord,

for his will to be done in her life, 

that she continues to shine whenever she goes

and be a beacon of light for the world to see.


Lisa inspires us to worship King Jesus, 

with all our heart, mind and soul,

She inspires us to shout praises unto the One True God,

She inspires us to stand strong in the wonderful name of Jesus


Lis, you have inspired me to persist 

even when I felt as though I was on the verge of giving up

& you reminded me that we all have a great purpose in this world, 

because we are of great worth and importance to Jesus.

The Holy Spirit within you truly speaks to others,

to give support and encouragement in the most timely manner

and I pray that God will continue to use you,

to bring glory and honour to his name.


Lisa's heart is pure,

filled with love, care, devotion and affection. 

She is certainly, 

one of the most amazing persons you will ever meet;

one of the best moms you will ever be around;

and she will go to the ends of the earth,

to protect & provide for her dearest Sicily,

her little angel, her bundle of joy,

who brings warmth to her life and makes her smile.


Lisa represents the wonderful grace of the great God we serve

she overlooks the faults of someone 

to see the goodness in them

she will ask for God to extend his mercy towards them

and work diligently to bring them into God's kingdom

Lisa is an angel from heaven in every sense of the word



Lisa, may the Lord continue to bless you and keep you; 

May the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 

may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

May God bless you with extra long life 

and forever more send his angels 

to take charge over you wherever you may go 

and be with you always


Happy Happy birthday.....God bless you always

from Nate 




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