The AMP version of the Bible outlines these two verses in James chapter 1, which says,
14 But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions).
15 Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death.
God doesn't tempt man to lure them into sin. When we are tempted it is because there are evil ways within us that keep nagging at us... If we continue to dwell upon it, we will premeditate upon it enough to act upon it. When we fulfill the act of sin, it is only a short while after until we see the consequences of the sin, being death.
For example, when we have a disagreement in our homes, we could sit and ponder about the things someone said to us and how much it hurt us. We could then allow our minds to go to a place where we want to return the favor and spit words back at the person. The bible says that we are not to let the sun go down on our wrath..but when we get too angry we go to sleep thinking about what happened. The devil sees the entrance we have created and as such, he comes in a drops more evil thoughts to have us dazed, confused and swimming in sin. After a while, we explode with anger causing the situation to worsen. Sometimes it means that our spouses walk away, our children leave feeling worthless, our neighbors become our enemies, we lose our jobs, etc. This will be the consequences of our sin... The final result is death in the situation and not life. Too often we sit and focus on the problem...allowing the situation to become magnified in our minds. We need to trust God to fight our battles for us, while we look for solutions...
Our Lord only thinks good thoughts towards us..let us renew our minds daily to rebuke the devil bodily and cause him to flee!